Oak Hill is home of the Soaring Eagles. |
Public education is alive and well in Austin, and we are so fortunate to have terrific elementary schools like Oak Hill, with its outstanding principal, Dr. Cathryn Mitchell, and a strong PTA led by Annemarie Read and a CAC Co-Chaired by Casie Wenmohs. These three leaders spearheaded the Oak Hill Community Open House on January 23. The school invited representatives of local businesses, organizations, associations, and churches to learn more about their local public elementary school and about public education in Austin. |
Dr. Cathryn Michell, Principal of Oak Hill Elementary, welcomed us. |
The Soaring Eagle Singers started the morning with choir performance, and Kael Suggs, Oak Hill Elementary Student Council President, introduced Dr. Mitchell. State Representatives Donna Howard and Mark Strama attended, as did District 5 Trustee Amber Elenz.
State Representative Donna Howard and AISD Trustee Amber Elenz attended. |
In my remarks, I talked about how schools and businesses have shared challenges and opportunities, and that I believe it is in our best interest as a community to work together more closely and more purposefully to achieve the kind of outcomes that we are all seeking. We want to build a district where, no matter your zip code, the vast majority of our graduates will have the skills and education they need to compete with the best of Indonesia, India and Ireland.
I discussed the district's priorities during the current legislative session, and provided information about the proposed May 2013 bond election.
I was asked lots of great questions, especially about a possible bond election and funding for schools.
I was impressed at how many business and community members participated even though they do not have a current or former student at Oak Hill Elementary. |
The students and staff presented me with an impressive compilation of student art work and writing. The Soaring Eagles truly shine.
Thanks to the students, staff and families of Oak Hill Elementary for working so hard on this event. It was a great way to build community support for your school.